GlobeCore Goes to Denver for International Exhibition

17 – 19 April, GlobeCore participated in the IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, in Denver, CO,  in cooperation with GC Technologies (USA).

This is a significant event in the electrical power industry, gathering the leading equipment manufacturers, managers, scientists, engineers and policy makers. The meeting helps to exchange experience and generate new approaches to electric power industry development. This year’s even included 775 companies. The expo’s halls were visited by over 30000 people.

GlobeCore presented own developments both in the field of traditional (insulation oil purification and regeneration and power transformer maintenance) and alternative energy (equipment to change oil in the gearboxes of wind turbines). The participants and visitors were shown a compact and mobile CMM-0.6 unit, which removes solid particles, water and gas from electrical insulation oils.

Those who were unable to meet us in Denver can participate in our seminars, with the nearest one scheduled in Houston, on 14 June. For more information, read here.
